iPaas: Maintenance notes

Is there a similar KB category/article for iPaas? https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/?CategoryID=7384

Just looking for a log of all the maintenance releases for iPaas and what they covered. 

Asked by Gareth Kmet on Mon 6/24/24 10:03 AM
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Mark Sayers Mon 6/24/24 10:07 AM

Hi Gareth,

The best category to check out is this one: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/?CategoryID=21041

That contains all of the iPaaS release notes. iPaaS is able to be updated without specific "releases" happening each weekend like the main TDX solution, so it doesn't have iterative "maintenenace releases" as such, but each version that is released will be documented in that category.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,
This link is just redirecting me to the main KB page (https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/).

Also, I'm more thinking of bug fixes. For example, on Friday, a fix went out for some other bugs on the forms which caused the a bug with radio buttons. A fix was then released this morning that fixed this bug.

I would just like to know if there is a log of what is being changed during these minor changes so that I can test stuff myself and also know if previous bugs that I had to do weird stuff to get around are now fixed (and thus I can fix the weird stuff that I did on the forms)
- Gareth Kmet Mon 6/24/24 10:14 AM
Note that I meant that the provided link (https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/?CategoryID=21041) is redirecting to the main page (https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/) - Gareth Kmet Mon 6/24/24 10:15 AM
Sorry about that, try this one: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/?CategoryID=22429 - Mark Sayers Mon 6/24/24 10:21 AM
Unfortunately that only covers the big releases, is there anything about the smaller stuff (e.g. the bug fixes) or maybe I'm just not seeing something? - Gareth Kmet Tue 6/25/24 9:31 AM
I can ask, but I do not believe so as they do not require specific "releases" per se to implement ( I do get that it is technically going to be a release, yes, but it doesn't have to be staged as such to implement a release to iPaaS features). - Mark Sayers Tue 6/25/24 9:53 AM
We do not document minor patches in any independent KB article unfortunately. - Mark Sayers Tue 6/25/24 11:42 AM
Can this be added as an enhancement request? - Gareth Kmet Tue 6/25/24 12:10 PM
You can always suggest enhancements for sure! This would be the best service to use to submit something like that: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=2148 - Mark Sayers Tue 6/25/24 12:24 PM
Thank you - Gareth Kmet Tue 6/25/24 12:59 PM