KB Templates


I am building out a KB for my department and I am wondering how I use the templates listed here: Article - Article and Service Templates (teamdynamix.com)

For example, I am trying to add in collapsible panels, but I am not sure how to actually get them created. I have the template created, and when I insert the template into the KB article, it doesn't create a collapsible panel. I am not well versed in HTML, so this could be something basic I am just not getting.



Tags KB kb-templates
Asked by Miranda Bielecki on Thu 6/20/24 3:47 PM
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Answer (1)

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David Tod Thu 6/20/24 3:52 PM

think that if you save it while it's expanded, it's saved as expanded.

That aside, if you have more than one, the data-target and class need to align with one another, and to be unique to each collapsible panel. I've highlighted that below.

<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" data-target=".Switch1" data-toggle="collapse">
<strong>Panel Title<label class="pull-right btn fa-solid fa-up-right-and-down-left-from-center" type="button">

<div aria-expanded="true" class="panel panel-body Switch1 collapse in" style="">
<p>Content goes here</p>
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Hi David,

All I can see is the HTML, no option to collapse it at all. That is why I feel like I am doing something wrong. If I copy and paste the HTML into the article and then update the article, should it then show me the collapsible panel? Does the article need to be submitted in order to preview the article with the collapsible panel? I have just been updating the article and then looking at the article to see what it looks like. I wasn't aware of a preview button at all.


- Miranda Bielecki Thu 6/20/24 4:03 PM
Oh, move into Source mode, using the Source button in the editor. - David Tod Thu 6/20/24 4:16 PM