Chat bubble bouncing

Is there a way to prevent the chat bubble in the lower right-hand corner from bouncing every time a page on this site loads? As I am browsing through the site, I don't really need a reminder that the chat is there every time I click on a link.

Tags chatbot
Asked by Beau Stribling on Mon 6/17/24 4:32 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Mon 6/17/24 4:36 PM

Hello Beau,

Unfortunately the only way to do that would involve disabling bouncing entirely, but I'll take this feedback back to our team responsible for the bot!

Mark Sayers
​​​​​​​Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you for the response. - Beau Stribling Mon 6/17/24 5:07 PM