Need to update department info for API people lookup


We're using the API people look up to import data for everyone in our IT department but have a couple of users that are part of multiple departments in their TDx user profiles. We want to update their profiles to have "Information Technology" marked as their primary department, but I can't find where to update this. Any tips?



Asked by Kim Rathbone on Thu 6/13/24 2:17 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 6/13/24 2:29 PM

You can use the individual user update endpoint, or the people PATCH endpoint to modify their DefaultAccountID property's value.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,
Is there a way to verify the primary department without using APIs? We'd like to be able to confirm the information is correct when onboarding new employees. Where is the DefaultAccountID and DefaultAccountName pulled from?
- Kim Rathbone Thu 6/13/24 4:10 PM
It's pulled from the user's main account page when you open an account from TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users, from the default acct/dept field on that main page of the user record. - Mark Sayers Thu 6/13/24 4:35 PM
Thanks, I was too focused on the acct/dept tab and completely overlooked that field. Hopefully that should resolve my issue. - Kim Rathbone Thu 6/13/24 4:44 PM