Asset Application External Viewer


What is required to get the External Viewer to work in an Asset Application? In the sandbox I've setup an external viewer and tried creating an asset with an External ID as well as importing an asset with an External ID. Neither seem to link the asset to the external viewer.

Asked by Todd Simpson on Tue 6/11/24 11:47 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 6/11/24 1:00 PM

Hi Todd,

It does only connect for imported assets. Is this new external source configured as active currently in your Asset/CI app?

Also, did you set the source specifically on your asset import file?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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The external source/viewer is active. I didn't see an option for setting the source in the import file. Is this something only available from the import utility rather than importing through TDNext?

I'm just testing this as a possible option for software asset tracking. The plan was to see if I could get this to work and link to the correct documents, POs, invoices, contracts and so on in our document management system OnBase. Might be best if we just create a field with a link, otherwise I would have to setup and manage all assets in OnBase which would defeat the purpose of using TDX.
- Todd Simpson Tue 6/11/24 1:08 PM
It does appear to be for the import utility rather than importing through the TDNext UI. - Mark Sayers Tue 6/11/24 2:46 PM