Adobe Sign / DocuSign


Will the integration with Adobe Sign or DocuSign allow signing to occur from a ticket?  

Tags docusign adobe sign
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Mon 6/10/24 7:48 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 6/10/24 10:10 AM

Hello Michael,

Currently the only Adobe/DocuSign integration we have is through iPaaS, which is not directly usable from a ticket. You'd have to refer a person to an iPaaS form from their ticket in order for that to be in any way connected (then have the iPaaS form kick off one or more flows to generate the signed documents and upload them to the source ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you Mark for the details. Can you explain or do you have any visuals as to what the signing looks like in the iPaas form? Does the iPaas form fields just map to the signing document fields or does one see the actual document within iPaas? - Michael Rodriguez Mon 6/10/24 1:08 PM