Project Duration


In Project >> General details, there are 3 fields - Start Date, End Date and Duration.  I'm unable to figure out how Duration is being calculated. I used to try and figure out out - accounting for weekends, holidays, etc, but I couldn't get it to match.  Any ideas on how it's being calculated?

Example 1
Start Date 5/15/2024
End Date 7/30/2024
Duration = 55

Example 2
Start Date 2/23/2022 
End Date 2/2/2024
Duration = 491




Tags projects duration
Asked by Kimberly Clapp on Fri 6/7/24 2:42 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Fri 6/7/24 2:59 PM

Hi Kimberly, 

Project Duration should show the number of weekdays in the project excluding days off.

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

No feedback
Can you elaborate on what is meant by 'days off' ? I tried to calculate this with and without weekends and holidays, but it still didn't quite match up. - Kimberly Clapp Sat 6/8/24 5:57 AM
Days off would reference any entries you have created in TDAdmin > Organization Settings > Days Off. - Brittany Renn Mon 6/10/24 10:05 AM