Add User to Ticketing Application?

Other than using an IPaaS or other script (e.g., Python script), can users be added to a ticketing (or asset) application using an Excel upload, or other method?

I can't find anything in the Knowledge Base, and I have wanted to ask this question for a while. This is becoming more important as we extend our ESM and bring in units that lack the expertise to write scripts.

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Thu 6/6/24 4:04 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Thu 6/6/24 4:39 PM

Hi Tevis, 

You can submit a manual people import file into TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Import Jobs > Upload. That will accept a csv and should allow you to make user app changes as long as the "Allow app changes" flag is enabled. I'd be sure to review the required columns by clicking on the Blue Help button on that Import Jobs page and be sure to test the import in SB first. 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks, Brittany; I think creating an IPaaS form and flow will make it easier for the end user. - Tevis Boulware Thu 6/6/24 5:02 PM