Where is the Signature Template in TDADMIN

Hello, the 11.9 release notes state "Administrators can set technician signatures within TDAdmin, and set up a technician signature template tag in notification templates".

I can't find this operation in TDAdmin.  Can you point me in the right direction?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Tue 5/28/24 12:09 PM Last edited Wed 5/29/24 10:45 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 5/28/24 12:16 PM

Hi Tevis,

That feature is referring to your Response Templates, if you create them. You can set up response templates with a reference to the {{TechnicianSignature}} tag to input the technician's personal signature if your teams make use of response templates in ticketing.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks and does the statement "Administrators can set technician signatures within TDAdmin..." mean that I can create a template for everyone to follow, and the signature will just be whatever each technician provides in their Profile? - Tevis Boulware Tue 5/28/24 12:22 PM
Also, I don't see a {{TechnicianSignature}} in the "Insert Template Tag" list, does this have to be hardcoded into the response template? - Tevis Boulware Tue 5/28/24 12:26 PM
That tag doesn't exist for *notification templates*. It is only specifically for Response Templates. It would technically be {{{TechnicianSignature}}}. TDAdmin > Applicaitions > [ticket app] > Response Templates. - Mark Sayers Tue 5/28/24 12:43 PM
Sorry, I got confused...happens when I am trying to do three things at once. - Tevis Boulware Tue 5/28/24 12:49 PM
Hi Mark, after being able to concentrate on this for a few minutes, I "broke the code". Thanks for the quick response. - Tevis Boulware Tue 5/28/24 1:40 PM
One last question: Some technicians don't see the Signature field when they go to settings, but I can't seem to find permissions to govern this operation. Can you point me in the right direction? - Tevis Boulware Wed 5/29/24 9:59 AM
Are they clicking "Edit" on the Settings tab?

If yes, do you know that their security role (org level role) for sure has the permission enabled for "Allow User to Edit Their Profile"?
- Mark Sayers Wed 5/29/24 10:25 AM
Hi Mark, use the "Allow User to Edit Their Profile" is set at the org level permissions. - Tevis Boulware Wed 5/29/24 10:45 AM
I attached a screen shot of the "Allow User to Edit Their Profile" permissions. - Tevis Boulware Wed 5/29/24 10:45 AM
What security role does the person in question have at the org level? And has the affected technician signed out of TDX and signed back in recently?

Did you modify their security role permissions recently?
- Mark Sayers Wed 5/29/24 11:06 AM
I have three users who cannot edit their signatures. Two of them have Enterprise licenses, with an Enterprise-Technician role, and one has a Technician license, with a "technician" role. Both roles have "Allow User to Edit Their Profile," and both have restrictions on their permissions.

On the other hand, I have an Enterprise license with full permissions and can edit my signature. I just don't see an other permission that may affect their ability to edit signatures.

It's a mystery without any clues...

Any ideas?
- Tevis Boulware Wed 5/29/24 1:01 PM
The "Enterprise-Technician" security role does *not* have the permission to "Allow User to Edit Their Profile" enabled.

The "Technician" security role *does* have the permission enabled though, so that is odd. Which user is that?
- Mark Sayers Wed 5/29/24 1:50 PM
I think I am confused by "Administrators can set technician signatures within TDAdmin". To me that suggests I can create a common signature style template that would pick up the attributes of the technician updating the ticket. What I'm reading here is that I insert the {{{TechnicianSignature}}} tag in a response template that would insert whatever the technician has defined their signature to be. - John Lewis Wed 6/12/24 5:34 PM
You *can* set a signature for a user from TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users.

In your response templates, you *also* can insert that tag so the signature gets input into it (since response templates aren't necessarily already forcing the signature of a technician into their contents when you select one).
- Mark Sayers Thu 6/13/24 9:20 AM