How to remove Milestones from PPM buisness case
I am having difficulty removing the Milestones tab from the PPM business case.
We just won't use it here, because milestones are set at the very last phase of the charter before it is signed.
I don't want to remove it from all projects, because it is a feature I will use as part of project plans.
Please advise
Asked by Timothy Mellin
on Fri 5/24/24 8:00 PM
Last edited Fri 5/24/24 8:00 PM
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Answer (1)
This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers
Tue 5/28/24 10:13 AM
Hello Timothy,
Milestones currently are not able to be removed from the Project Request phase. They are a hard-coded section of the request, though you certainly are not required to use them at that phase.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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