Populating ticket data based on a user query

For employee separation tickets, I want to populate certain fields based on the employee name selected in the ticket - which is a Person type field.  For example. I have ticket attributes for Employee Initials, Job Title, and Start Date. and for an onboarding ticket those are new values, so the source is the ticket itself.  But for a separation ticket, I want to query the Individual's TDX record to return those values for the ticket.  Is it possible to create an attribute that will do that?  Even if it's after ticket submission?

Asked by Gordon Dunlap on Fri 5/24/24 11:08 AM Last edited Fri 5/24/24 11:10 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 5/28/24 9:35 AM

Hello Gordon,

Unfortunately selecting a value in a ticket field for things like this will not cause other fields in the ticket to be populated currently.

You could possibly achieve it with a workflow that utilizes web service steps to GET the ticket (to obtain the UID of the person selected in this person attribute), GET the person record of that specified person, then make a PATCH call to the ticket to update ticket fields with data from the person record that was obtained in the 2nd step.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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