Microsoft Fabric connector for getting reports from TDX and exposing them to PowerBI and other Fabric tools

Hi there,

We are looking at trying to connect our TDX instance to PowerBI. 

Is TDX working on a Microsoft Fabric connector for getting reports from TDX and exposing them to PowerBI and other Fabric tools? We are currently using the community created connector that uses the desktop based personal data gateway, which would require a person to manually refresh the report and publish it to the Power BI Service.  We would ideally like to host these reports on the Power BI Service and connect to TDX directly in Fabric so that we can automatically retrieve fresh data via a Data Flow, Enterprise Data Connector, or some other Fabric component.

If this is not currently in the pipeline I will add it as an enhancement request!

Thanks for your help,


Asked by Samuel Jones on Thu 5/23/24 1:14 PM
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Michael Ligouri Wed 6/5/24 9:37 AM

HI Samuel,

Unfortunately we do not have a connector for Microsoft Fabric just yet, but you can request for one to be made using this service:

Mike Ligouri
Technical Support Consultant

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