Removing a ticket connected to a KB article through the KB
Is there a way to remove a ticket connected to a KB through the article rather than the ticket?
Asked by Joshua Warth
on Thu 5/23/24 12:16 PM
Last edited Thu 5/23/24 12:18 PM
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Answer (1)
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Mark Sayers
Thu 5/23/24 12:33 PM
Hi Joshua,
No there is not a way to achieve this from the KB side of things.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Understood. Just a quick follow up: Is it possible any tickets that are linked to a KB from that KB?
- Joshua Warth
Thu 5/23/24 12:49 PM
The article itself doesn't have a way to show that it was attached to tickets, no.
- Mark Sayers
Thu 5/23/24 12:52 PM
Understood. Is it possible to report on how many tickets are linked to a KB article?
- Joshua Warth
Thu 5/23/24 1:01 PM