Project by Resource filtered by Functional Role showing resources not assigned the selected functional roles


I'm using the Projects by Resource report under the Analysis tab to show which projects 3 specific functional roles are assigned to. However, in the past few months there are 3 resources who are showing up on this report who aren't assigned to the filtered Functional Roles. Can you let me know what information you need to investigate this issue?



Asked by Kim Rathbone on Wed 5/22/24 6:51 PM
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Kim Rathbone Thu 5/23/24 12:40 PM Last edited Thu 5/23/24 12:40 PM

Hi Mark,

Upon further investigation these resources are only showing up in the report for project requests they're assigned to. We've recently begun tracking time spent during the intake assessment and have assigned these resources to the in workflow project request to allow time tracking, but they aren't assigned based on a functional role and I have provided an example where no role forecast has been completed yet. I've also provided a screenshot of Asif's user profile showing his assigned functional roles. 

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Do we know *how* Asif was added to that project as a resource? Who added him? - Mark Sayers Thu 5/23/24 1:29 PM
I do, it was me. I added him by going to "Resources", selecting "Add", and searching by name. - Kim Rathbone Thu 5/23/24 2:10 PM
Is there anything else that you are filtering on in that report's filters? - Mark Sayers Thu 5/23/24 2:51 PM
I sometimes modify the time span I'm looking at but that's it. I would just not search project requests but we're starting to assign some of these functional roles to requests and I need to make sure that's captured. - Kim Rathbone Thu 5/23/24 3:17 PM
When you add resources to a project request, since it doesn't allow you to *ask* for or assign the specific functional role they will be assuming on that request, the system just adds them to the request with whatever their primary functional role is. I can't see it completely, but are those 4 functional roles in your filter image the *only* 4 that you included in that filter? - Mark Sayers Thu 5/23/24 4:06 PM
Yes they are. - Kim Rathbone Thu 5/23/24 4:16 PM
Did Asif by chance have a *different* primary functional role back when they were first added to that request?

Like did Asif previously have other functional roles on their account that were recently removed or anything?
- Mark Sayers Thu 5/23/24 4:47 PM
Nope, no changes (I'm the Projects Admin at my organization and can be certain of this). There are 4 other resources that are exhibiting the same behaviour as Asif and they also haven't had any changes to their functional roles. - Kim Rathbone Thu 5/23/24 5:10 PM
When you include Actual Hours in that report, do numbers (greater than 0) show up for those users on those projects/Requests? - Mark Sayers Tue 5/28/24 9:59 AM
They do, yes. - Kim Rathbone Tue 5/28/24 1:14 PM
Ok that appears to be a bug in the report's SQL parameters. We created a ticket to track the fix for that issue and have marked you as a requestor on the ticket so you can be informed when the fix is ready to be released. You can see your tickets from the Services > Ticket Requests page of this portal. - Mark Sayers Tue 5/28/24 1:20 PM

Mark Sayers Thu 5/23/24 9:51 AM

Hello Kim,

Would you be able to share a screen shot of the report's results along with a screen shot of the Resources section of the relevant project showing they have a different functional role on that project?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks, Mark. I submitted it as "Contribute an Answer" because I couldn't figure out how to add an attachment to this comment. - Kim Rathbone Thu 5/23/24 12:40 PM