iPaaS Form Respondent Data

Does the form link contain information about who the expected respondent is?

I have a flow that sends a form link. One run sent it to a distribution group. The respondent information had the distribution group name and email rather than the individuals information.

Tags ipaas-forms ipaas-form ipaasform
Asked by David Gillespie on Wed 5/22/24 2:16 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 5/22/24 3:42 PM

Hello David,

I'd have to see what you mean by a "form link". What is the process this flow is providing support for currently?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Workday passes in some basic information about new hire, employee transfers and employee terminations. There is some data Workday cannot provide, such as who to copy rights and roles from, what applications the employee needs access to etc.. The flow creates a ticket and sends a form notification with a link to the form to the manager and a copy is sent to a distribution group for record keeping. The Manager fills in the missing information, submits the form and the flow will update the ticket in TDX with that information. - David Gillespie Wed 5/22/24 3:49 PM
So the question is how does iPaaS know if the response is sent from the Manager or the distribution group, or someone else using the link from the distribution group copy of the email notification. - David Gillespie Wed 5/22/24 3:51 PM
Hi David,
You won't know who submitted the form unless SSO is used for that form. Technically you *could* have a field asking to input their email address on the form, but it's not very secure. If you want to know who submitted the form, SSO would need to be enabled.
- Mark Sayers Thu 5/23/24 10:05 AM