Company = Organization?


The company of the user.


Is "Company" the same as "Organization"?

Asked by Scott Cory on Mon 5/20/24 4:18 PM
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Answers (2)

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Scott Cory Mon 5/20/24 7:08 PM

I have most of the PATCH working now, but it is not removing group membership.

Any suggestions?


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I don't know that the user edit endpoint supports removing/adding groups to the user's account. You would have to use the endpoint for adding/removing groups to achieve that or else use the User Management endpoint for group adding/removing. - Mark Sayers Tue 5/21/24 8:55 AM

Mark Sayers Mon 5/20/24 4:51 PM

Hi Scott,

Yes it is. You can see in TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Import Jobs > [Help button], expand the standard fields section and you can see the Organization field is validated as the "Company" field. The names are for the same field.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you Mark,

I am trying to use the PATCH endpoint and also uncertain were to locate "SecurityRoleID" for the Client role and how to send an empty array of "GroupIDs" is in the JSON body to clear all group membership.
- Scott Cory Mon 5/20/24 4:56 PM
Those sound like separate calls. The Security role ID is the value you see when you open a security role's details view in TDAdmin at the end of the window's URL. - Mark Sayers Mon 5/20/24 5:04 PM
Thanks Mark,
I found the SecurityRoleID in the URL.

Also realized since this is a PATCH, I have to format the body differently, e.g.

{ "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" },
{ "op": "add", "path": "/hello", "value": ["world"] },
{ "op": "remove", "path": "/foo" }
- Scott Cory Mon 5/20/24 5:12 PM
Well for a PATCH the call body is an array with a series of "op" objects stating which field (standard or custom attribute) you are looking to modify or add.

I don't think it would ever allow [ and ] characters to be used like you had in there around "world".
- Mark Sayers Tue 5/21/24 8:45 AM