5/16/24: PPM Advisory Group - Tickets to Projects Recording

Good afternoon,

The May 16, 2024 PPM Advisory Group meeting contained very helpful information regarding converting tickets to projects. I saw the meeting was being recorded. Can I be sent a link or instructions on how to access the meeting recording? It would be helpful to have on file and share with some of our internal team members who were unable to attend.



Asked by Daniel Keenan on Fri 5/17/24 2:05 PM
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Matthew Logering Fri 5/17/24 4:36 PM

Hi Dan,

The Advisory Group meeting recordings are posted under the Events tab within the community group for PPM. 

Here is a direct link to the past event recordings: https://community.teamdynamix.com/groups/9/ppm-advisory-group/events/past

Please let us know if you do not see the recording listed.

Matthew Logering
Senior Consultant, Process Improvement Services

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