Assign Tasks to Workspace Members

Members within my workspace in TDX are not able to assign themselves to tickets or tasks that are in the workspace. They *can* assign tasks/tickets within the workspace, but not to themselves or other members of the workspace, only members of the ticketing application. Is there a way around this?



Asked by Naseem Benjelloun on Tue 5/14/24 5:17 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 5/15/24 9:19 AM

Hello Naseem,

There are 4 permissions related to workspaces on your ticketing application's Settings area in TDAdmin. They are as follows:

  1. Always allow workspace members to view tickets and ticket tasks that have been added to their workspace.
  2. Always allow workspace members to assign responsibility of tickets and ticket tasks that have been added to their workspace.
  3. Always allow workspace members to edit tickets and ticket tasks that have been added to their workspace. This includes creating ticket tasks on tickets within the workspace.
  4. Always allow workspace members to update tickets and ticket tasks that have been added to their workspace.

Which of those permissions are active for your ticketing app currently?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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All four of these permissions are active. - Naseem Benjelloun Wed 5/15/24 10:43 AM
What steps are they trying to take specifically to take responsibility for a ticket or task in their workspace?

Provide the steps/options they are selecting to attempt to take the responsibility for each item?
- Mark Sayers Wed 5/15/24 10:57 AM
This applies to both tickets and tasks. For tickets, they are opening the item from within the workspace, clicking "Actions -> Assign Service Request", and then attempting to search for their name in the assign field. Their name (or the name of other workspace members) does not come up even when using the magnifying glass and appropriate filters. Only members of the ticketing application come up.

For tasks, they open the ticket from the workspace, click edit on the task, and attempt to assign it in a similar fashion.
- Naseem Benjelloun Wed 5/15/24 10:59 AM
Are they just using the type-ahead and are not explicitly using the search page that comes up when you click the "magnifying glass" button? Can they try using that option?

Or else try using the option to take ticket from the Actions menu if that is there?
- Mark Sayers Wed 5/15/24 11:30 AM
The option to take the service request's responsibility is not there unfortunately.

They attempt to use both the type-ahead and the search page. Unfortunately both only show membership of the ticketing application; not the workspace.
- Naseem Benjelloun Wed 5/15/24 11:52 AM
What criteria are they using to pull in these tickets/tasks to their workspace? Typically teams only create ticket/task rules for items that ended up assigned to them or their group directly as you can't edit tickets that aren't assigned to you already if you don't have app access. - Mark Sayers Wed 5/15/24 12:10 PM
Tickets of a certain workflow are getting pulled into the workspace. Users have the ability to edit/update tickets and tasks within the workspace though they are not assigned to them. They are trying to claim responsibility for certain activities to signal to other workspace members who is responsible for the work. Perhaps if you have time ofr a call I can walk you through what we're attempting.

- Naseem Benjelloun Wed 5/15/24 12:12 PM
Which ticketing app is it that the tickets/tasks in question are coming from? Can you provide the appIDs of the affected applications? - Mark Sayers Wed 5/15/24 12:29 PM
The ticketing application ID is 1716. The workspace ID is 395882. This is in Sandbox (

For example, Naseem.test is a member of the workspace and not a member of the ticketing application. This user can view/edit tickets and tasks in the workspace, but cannot take responsibility for them.

- Naseem Benjelloun Wed 5/15/24 12:30 PM
The setting that allows workspace members to assign tickets or tasks that end up in their workspace should allow them to reassign those items, but not necessarily to *be* the assignee. I double checked on that from Engineering.

The better option would be to get the ticket moved into their own ticketing app so they can do their work, then move it back into that app 1716 when finished. Or else give them app access if they need to do this sort of thing in that application.
- Mark Sayers Wed 5/15/24 12:36 PM