Project Status Spreadsheet

New and green with TDX, bear with me. I am trying to determine if TDX is what we need.

We want to have a project list spreadsheet for a high level status. It will have few columns like Start Date, Systems Analyst, Title, Stake Holders, Priority, Completion Estimate, Percentage Completion, Campus, Notes.

I've been looking at TDX "Projects", but it looks fairly deep tool with a lot of options.

Can TDX do what we need here? Thank you.

Asked by Teodora Vaneva on Tue 5/14/24 12:43 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Tue 5/14/24 12:58 PM

Hello Teodora,

Most of those fields appear to be standard report fields for a custom Project Report. The only ones I see as being custom fields are probably your Completion Estimate, Campus, and Notes fields you name out.

I believe you could get at that information though in a custom report for Projects. Then allow that report to be seen by whomever is needing it in your management teams or whatever the case may be.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Teodora Vaneva Tue 5/14/24 1:12 PM

Thank you, Mark.

I should have clarified we are not yet using TDX "Projects". That is our plan, but not there yet.

The idea is for a Systems Analyst to go into a shared spreadsheet, fill out their projects and status, and management can see the list.

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I think in that case it is worth your team discussing receiving training in the PPM side of the system with your CSX representative as they'd be able to help you facilitate that if your team is currently unaware of its capabilities or how to use it. - Mark Sayers Tue 5/14/24 1:16 PM