Teamdynamix Mobile App

I am trying to find the Teamdynamix Instance ID or Registration Link to utilize the mobile app that is on the App Store, but I am unable to find documentation or information regarding this. I am one of the TDX Administrators at my University.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Asked by Caleb Whitlow on Tue 5/14/24 10:58 AM
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Answers (3)

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Mark Sayers Tue 5/14/24 12:23 PM

Hello Caleb,

The KB information for this app is not ready for consumption yet. You can keep an eye on this category though as this will be where the content will reside when it is published:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

0 of 2 users found this helpful.
Hello! I have technicians beginning to find this app and asking me questions. I downloaded it myself, and found Mark's link to the KB but I do not have the mobile app in my downloads to setup my instance. Has this been released to those who volunteered to test (like myself) or is this still not available? - Genevieve Vallerga Thu 5/23/24 12:24 PM
The app is still not available for the general "public" to consume. We'll be sending a client-wide announcement when the mobile app is officially available for all to use. - Mark Sayers Thu 5/23/24 12:39 PM
OK thank you,
We had sent over a list of Binghamton folks who would like to test before it was released. Do you know if someone will reach out to us once it is available to test?
- Genevieve Vallerga Tue 5/28/24 11:47 AM
There *will* be an official announcement officially sent out from TeamDynamix once the mobile app is opened up for all to use, yes. - Mark Sayers Tue 5/28/24 11:50 AM
Is there a timeline on when this announcement will happen? We're also getting questions from folks around campus. It's a bit odd that TDX would include a CTA link in the mobile version of TDNext to "Get the TeamDynamix Mobile App" if it's not available.. - Cory Baden Fri 5/31/24 4:41 PM
Hi Cory, I don't know that an official client-approved timeline has been approved to share just yet unfortunately. A large-scale announcement will go out though to all clients when it is ready for all to use. - Mark Sayers Fri 5/31/24 4:49 PM
Can it be removed as an option to download from the mobile version of TDNext for clients who can't actually use it yet? - Cory Baden Fri 5/31/24 4:50 PM
I don't know that there are plans to remove it at the moment, but I can check. - Mark Sayers Mon 6/3/24 9:02 AM
Are you referring to seeing the app in the app store for your particular device?

We intend to have the mobile app available widely for all clients in July.
- Mark Sayers Mon 6/3/24 1:15 PM
Thanks for additional details. I'm referencing the fact that when I open TDNext on a mobile browser, there is an option on the left-hand menu that says "Get the TeamDynamix Mobile App." It doesn't seem this should be something advertised to current customers if they can't use it yet. - Cory Baden Mon 6/3/24 1:23 PM

Brandon Fryman Wed 7/10/24 7:33 PM

We got the email that it is ready to use and I still have the same question given above.  The directions for installing the mobile app are not clear. I need help with Step 2, number 1 or 2. I do not see anything that says TeamDynamix Mobile after I sign into on my laptop. When I type TeamDynamix app or mobile app, it just shows folks asking the same thing and these directions, which apparently is not helpful.  Maybe a video, or directions on how to find this QR code would help.  

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Brandon, you should be logging into your instance of TDNext. The waffle (app menu) in the upper left leads you to the downloads app. - Greg Van De Mark Wed 7/10/24 11:31 PM

Becky Klein Mon 6/3/24 5:30 PM Last edited Mon 6/3/24 5:30 PM

Given that TDX doesn't have much control over how fast the process is to approve apps in the respective app stores, they likely submitted it early to ensure it would be available when it goes live for everyone. It also helps facilitate the beta testing since those campuses need to be able to download it.

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