Asset/CI Relationship Reporting

Is there any way to include relationships between CIs or Assets in a report? I see a filter for "Associated Asset/CI" but it is missing from the column choices. Hoping there might be a workaround if not. 


Asked by Bret Swart on Mon 5/13/24 5:11 PM Last edited Tue 5/14/24 2:52 PM
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Answers (2)

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Brittany Renn Tue 5/14/24 9:33 AM

Hi Bret, 

Unfortunately, this isn't possible currently but I would suggest submitting an Enhancement Request that asks for the ability to report on Asset/CI relationships so it can be considered for future versions.

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

Mark Sayers Tue 5/14/24 9:35 AM

Hi Bret,

If you mean the custom relationships, I do not believe those are available as columns in an Asset Report or a CI report.

In a custom Asset report, you can display the default Parent column to show what the parent of an asset is, but there's no equivalent of that in the CI custom reporting.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,
I was picturing a column with something like "Associated Asset" or "Associated CI" which would display the items with a link.The Relationship would be useful as well. I'll try to add an image to the original question if it'll let me.

- Bret Swart Tue 5/14/24 2:52 PM