Automation Pick Up Group Assignment


We have an automation ( that sends tickets assigned to a specific group to a workflow (

I know automation rules only work on a newly created ticket.  What can I do to have the system check for the assignment after the ticket has been reviewed and assigned?

Asked by Sheila McBride on Fri 5/10/24 10:00 AM
We do have iPaaS, we’re just not quite ready for implementation. Maybe I’ll experiment.

I thought about the big workflow, but I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to run all the tickets through it. I’ll see what I can do with iPaaS and go from there.

- Sheila McBride Fri 5/10/24 10:27 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 5/10/24 10:14 AM

Hello Sheila,

iPaaS could certainly be configured to look for "Ticket Updated" webhooks (if you had access to it/purchased it) and then handle doing this. Otherwise, if you are already running a workflow of some sort on your tickets you could add in a Condition step in one or more places in the workflow to check if the current responsible value for the ticket is that group, and if so, it executes a web service step to assign a different workflow to the ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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