Copying multiple tasks (inc. parent/child tasks) at once


I'm trying to copy more than one task at once in a waterfall plan, but it only pastes the first task in the list. Is there a way around this?

Also, this KB article ( says 'Copying and pasting parent tasks will copy and paste the parent task and all of its child tasks', but whenever I copy a parent task, it doesn't paste any of the child tasks. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong :)


Asked by Constantin de Boisseson on Thu 5/2/24 8:57 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 5/2/24 10:04 AM

Hello Constantin,

When you are pasting into the empty row at the bottom of a plan it will only paste the first task row out of all the ones you have highlighted, however if you give the tasks (that you want to paste over top of) temporary names, you can then paste any number of rows into those existing rows and replace the task data with those from the copied rows.

Alternatively, copying and pasting rows into the empty spot at the end of a waterfall plan works more easily if you use the Windows Plan Manager application.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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