auto write to a new field

We would like to put a date and time box in our tickets but this field will be based off of a canned response with an appointment link and once the customer uses makes that appointment one of our API's will then fill in the field with the date and time they choose, we are using an API to connect to oncehub which manages all of our appointment, is this doable?

Asked by James Richard on Wed 5/1/24 3:21 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 5/1/24 3:48 PM

Hello James,

I think you'd start off by making a text field that is not editable on the TDX ticket form, but the real question is whether or not your appointment system is capable of making an API call and relaying data from an appointment booking on to an external system?

It would need to be able to make the authentication call to TDX's API, and somehow know what ticket ID it should be updating so it can update the custom attribute in question with the appointment time/date data.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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