Anyone Using Microsoft Power Automate to Create Tickets

I'm new to TeamDynamix, we use an intake form on SharePoint for new users. We would like to in turn use Power Automation to create the ticket in TDX.  Any help would be appreciated.

Asked by Mark Davis on Wed 5/1/24 3:20 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 5/1/24 3:44 PM

Hello Mark,

Your power automate system would need to be able to sign in to the TDX APIs using a valid set of Username and Password for an account that has permission to create tickets. Refer to this KB for authentication over API assistance:

After that, you'd need to make a call to create the ticket from data that your form is collecting. Without consulting on this more directly, which I think would be above the regular support services that are offered, you'd be making an API call similar to what is described in this KB here:

Starting around the point of step 8 in that article's "Creating the Web Service Method" section.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks, got it working - Mark Davis Wed 5/1/24 7:29 PM