Managers getting ticket tasks, but not being able to VIEW ALL Tickets in the application.

We have a ticketing application that our Executive Admin group uses. We want them to assign ticket tasks to other Managers in the County. We want the managers to be able to see thier ticket task and the specific TICKET details, but not have visibility to ALL Tickets. 

How can we do this without providing the Managers full Ticketing application access?

Asked by Annie Wilson on Tue 4/30/24 12:32 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 4/30/24 1:21 PM

Hello Annie,

The only way to achieve this would be to give the County Managers their own workspace where they have a rule filtering for tickets that are assigned to them out of the application(s) in question. The ticketing applications must be configured (in their TDAdmin interface) to "Always allow workspace members to view tickets and ticket tasks that have been added to their workspace." and also "Always allow workspace members to update tickets and ticket tasks that have been added to their workspace.Always allow workspace members to update tickets and ticket tasks that have been added to their workspace.".

Then, when they have a rule in place to pull in tickets that they have responsibility for or that they have a responsible Task on, they can work directly out of their workspace dashboard, but not have ticketing app access.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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