Keep getting Data(.)(.) instead of Data inside my "find in" expression


I am redoing some lab exercises just to re familiarize myself with stuff. The one lab exercise involves finding the row inside of a .csv file where a particular value resides. To do this, I created the following flow steps:

The above works fine with an output of 4 (row number) when I run step 8.

When I try to recreate step 8, I keep getting this:

or more specifically:

instead of this:

when I click on Data for the left bubble of the contains expression:


The output when I run P153 is 1, which I am assuming means true. Which is not what I want, which is 4, which represents the row number that "Cosmic Crisp" resides on within the Spreadsheet.csv file.

What am I missing? Am I missing something simple or is this a bug? Why am I getting instead of ?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.





Asked by Jason West on Fri 4/12/24 3:18 PM
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Answers (3)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Medaugh Mon 5/13/24 10:16 AM

Hi Jason,

Apologies for the delay. I'm thinking this may actually be a bug and will be submitting a ticket for it. I'll add you onto the ticket so you're able to follow it.

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

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Jason West Tue 4/16/24 4:17 PM


Working on 06 - Proxy Server and File IO ( )


Exercise 4- Working with CSVs and Delimited Files.pdf

Page 3, Using Index Of and Find In with CSVs

Finding Cosmic Crisp row using Find In

If you're talking about our environment, it would be under "ZJason - Core - Lab 6" Application, Exercise 4 flow, Line 7 (and compare to Line 8 which was created in the past).


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Mark Medaugh Tue 4/16/24 3:59 PM

Hi Jason,

Is there a specific application and flow you can point me to where you're working on this (understanding it's one of the labs, but just wanting to get to the exact piece of the labs you're working on)?

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

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