Clickable asset tag in tickets

We have clickable asset tag links when you view assets under a person. But we also have the asset tag showing in a ticket when a user provides it. Is there any way to make that user provided asset tag clickable and go to the corresponding asset page?

Asked by Matt Cook on Wed 4/10/24 11:37 AM
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Matt Cook Wed 4/10/24 12:54 PM Last edited Wed 4/10/24 12:54 PM

Thank you. It would be when a technician is viewing the ticket. Maybe if the form where user puts in asset tag is actually selecting an asset rather than just putting in text it would work? Here is a screenshot.

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So I'm not sure about that form and how that field is set up, but you *can* use a custom asset/CI attribute to capture the asset value they wish to associate with their request, and that value *would* be a link to the asset in question I believe. Have you tried doing it that way? - Mark Sayers Wed 4/10/24 1:33 PM

Mark Sayers Wed 4/10/24 12:02 PM

Hello Matt,

In what context are you looking for this user-provided asset tag to be clickable?

Can you provide a screen shot as well for this context?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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