SmartSheet IPaaS Authentication

It appears that the only way to create a Credential into the SmartSheet Connector is through a Secret/ID Pair:

However, our Smartsheet instance only provides a Token. Is there an authentication method for Smartsheet that can use a "hardcoded" token?

Thanks, Tevis


Asked by Tevis Boulware on Fri 4/5/24 5:15 PM
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Mark Medaugh Thu 4/11/24 10:29 AM

Hi Tevis,

In all likelihood the best course of action will be to add an auth method for your specific authentication needs and switch the Smartsheet connector to using it. To help guide on that, when passing through the hardcoded token, is there a specific location (e.g., header, query, body) and/or format that Smartsheet is expecting?

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

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