Need updated API for Assets and CIs sandbox connector for TDX

Hi Team,

I have a query in iPaaS, I am trying to implement automation of warranty date from dell warranty site and update in asset details where I am finding it difficult to add this particular detail only rather than editing all other values that are not required, but when I am trying to use the sandbox assets and CI's connector provided I don't find exact api to do this, can you please help me with this.

This is named as "example" in our university flows.

For output you can check the sandbox Asset ID:1484's comments for more details on this issue, this would be great help if I can fix this issue and complete the automation as early as possible.



Tags Asset-API API-Library tdx-ipaas
Asked by Bhanu Prakash Reddy Baddam on Thu 4/4/24 1:11 PM
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Answers (2)

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Bhanu Prakash Reddy Baddam Thu 4/4/24 2:31 PM Last edited Thu 4/4/24 2:31 PM

Hi Mark,

I am attaching the screen shot where I am trying to access the connector the way you specified. Can you suggest me if there is any other way to do this?



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Ok I updated the connector definitions to be the standard actions. Try it now. - Mark Sayers Thu 4/4/24 2:40 PM
I can see the new action as suggested, will start working on it, thanks a ton for this update.

- Bhanu Prakash Reddy Baddam Thu 4/4/24 3:15 PM

Mark Sayers Thu 4/4/24 1:55 PM

Hello Bhanu,

I believe you just need the regular TDX Assets and CI connector, and in that connector, use the PATCH Asset action to specify that you only want to update certain properties on the asset.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hello Mark,

I just checked the regular TDX Assets and CI connector for prod and sandbox, I am unable to see the PATCH Asset action, can you help me navigate to this location.

- Bhanu Prakash Reddy Baddam Thu 4/4/24 2:02 PM
If you are looking at the TDX Assets and CI connector, the Action field should be searchable. Just type in "patch" and you should see the *Patch Asset* action listed there. - Mark Sayers Thu 4/4/24 2:21 PM