Tickets in Different Ticket Applications


I am wondering how you can control what tickets get put into what ticketing application. For example, we have our main ticketing application, but we also have other ticketing applications for different things, such as security management. I am wondering how, if possible, I would go about configuring tickets that get sent to our ticketing mailbox to go to a specific ticketing application instead of our main one, where someone would have to manually move the ticket to the security management area.



Asked by Miranda Bielecki on Wed 3/27/24 12:46 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Wed 3/27/24 1:03 PM

Hello Miranda,

You'll probably find that option 2 from what David suggested will be the route that takes the least amount of work to achieve. If your email account has multiple folders based on what kind of request you think the email represents, you can filter at the inbox level via account Inbox rules and get mail into an appropriate folder, then connect an email monitor from the Security ticketing application to that folder of the email account to process its tickets directly into the right application.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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David Tod Wed 3/27/24 12:52 PM

Ticketing applications can have their own email monitors. Various options I would guess:

1. Use existing monitor, but use a rule to route it. This is difficult because monitor rules are limited to subject lines

2. Set up a rule on the email account itself that uses more sophisticated logic and puts specific emails into a different folder, which an email monitor on the security application handles

3. Use iPaaS and logic there to take care of it.

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