API/IPaaS Endpoint to Create Approval

Hello, I would like to confirm that no existing API or IPaaS endpoint allows the creation of an "Approval" on a ticket.  Only ticket tasks?  Is there a workaround that allows the creation of an "Approval" or a "Choice" on a ticket?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Mon 3/25/24 4:45 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 3/25/24 4:48 PM

Hello Tevis,

You are not able to *create* a workflow step dynamically via API, no.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I don't want to create a workflow step via the API; I want to add an "Approval" task to an existing ticket through the IPaaS API. We can create a task on a ticket through the API/IPaaS, but in my current use case, an "Approval" would be more appropriate. - Tevis Boulware Mon 3/25/24 5:00 PM
There isn't currently such a thing as an "approval" task. You can create a Ticket Task via API, or maybe a maintenance activity (which is still a task underneath), but an Approval type step only exists in the context of a workflow, which is a hard-coded entity in your workflow setup, not dynamically create-able. - Mark Sayers Tue 3/26/24 9:00 AM
Hi Mark, I have always considered an "Approval" step a special type of "Task" (a task is just another type of step). Semantics aside, not having an API endpoint to create an Approval or a Choice is a shortcoming in IPaaS and the API. The workaround requires creating TDX workflows, which are not elegant and difficult to test and maintain. - Tevis Boulware Tue 3/26/24 11:13 AM
An approval doesn't "exist" if a workflow is not in play. You aren't currently able to just create an "approval" type step for a ticket as the API doesn't facilitate doing that. I would definitely recommend submitting an enhancement request if you believe this is something that would benefit your use cases greatly: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=2148

Or you can just create a ticket Task and use that to facilitate the approval action by nature of being completed. If the goal though is to have a requestor certify that they approve something for the ticket's records, that is only doable in the context of a ticket workflow.
- Mark Sayers Tue 3/26/24 11:43 AM
These recommendations do not satisfy the requirements for the use case. I have a workaround; it is just not elegant and requires much extra work. - Tevis Boulware Tue 3/26/24 12:06 PM
Can you elaborate on what the use case is more specifically? - Mark Sayers Tue 3/26/24 12:09 PM
I really don't have time to explain it, I just need to get'r done. - Tevis Boulware Tue 3/26/24 12:10 PM