Deleting a Ticket Attachment with Sensitive Data

Hi there,

If a ticket attachment is deleted, is it no longer accessible to anyone (from Admin to Client), or is it stored somewhere? Can it be retrieved or accessed after deletion?

The scenario is a client creates a ticket and attaches sensitive data to it. A technician sees the attachment and deletes it to ensure other technicians or anyone else can access the file.

Thank you for any information on this!

Asked by Tristina Grywalski on Fri 3/22/24 1:52 PM
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Brittany Renn Fri 3/22/24 2:31 PM

Hi Tristina, 

When a ticket attachment is deleted, it is not able to be restored, so there would not be anyway to access that attachment after deletion. You could submit this as an Enhancement Request to ask for that kind of feature to be considered for future versions, though. 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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In this scenario, we wouldn't want it to be restored. Thanks for the information. - Tristina Grywalski Fri 3/22/24 4:05 PM