Export card wall plan to excel

Can you export a card wall plan to excel?  I ask because at the end of a project this is desirable to keep a downloaded copy fo the tasks that were worked throughout the project.

Tags Cardwall
Asked by Charles Phillips on Wed 3/20/24 4:36 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 3/20/24 4:43 PM

Hi Charles,

The plan itself doesn't offer a way to export the plan, but you *could* create a project task report that would filter on that plan's tasks/cards specifically and get at them in report format. This wouldn't show everything that you'd see on the cardwall for a card, but you can include many relevant columns about project tasks to get much of the information from your card into the report before you export that report's results.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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