Creating a velocity report for project requests.

Looking for a way to create a report that shows when, over the course of a period of time, i.e. a year, that our organization gets project requests.

Want to identify the points during the year where we get the majority of our project requests.

Please advise.

Asked by Mark Juzwiak on Thu 3/14/24 7:10 PM
Maybe a report that shows the number of service requests converted to project requests and the dates of conversion. I just not seeing how to create that type of report. - Mark Juzwiak Thu 3/14/24 7:16 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 3/15/24 9:27 AM

Hello Mark,

You might create something like an Analysis > Projects & Requests report where your columns are just:

  1. Created Date : displayed as Month/Year
  2. Project/Request Count

Then filter it by Requestor : has a value (to ensure you are picking up projects that came from requests specifically, along with all the requests themselves. You could also filter for the year in question if you want to narrow that down to only things created this year or last year.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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