Can Fields in Project Update be Edited


We have a few different fields we would like to make available to users when they are updating their projects weekly. Is there a way for us to customize what attributes/fields are available when they click the Update button?

Asked by Rachel Renckly on Thu 3/14/24 2:29 PM
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Brittany Renn Thu 3/14/24 2:53 PM

Hi Rachel, 

If these are custom attributes, you should be able to mark those as "Updatable" so they'll show up on the update form. You can do this in TDAdmin > Projects > Project Attributes > Select Attribute. 

Let me know if that helps. 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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Perfect! I had already done that and overlooked it in the project I was testing in. Thank you! - Rachel Renckly Thu 3/14/24 3:05 PM