Force a category to the bottom

Hello. For a page with service links and subcategories, is there any way to force the category to the bottom of the page after the service links?  I haven't found one, but maybe you have an idea how to do this.

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Thu 3/7/24 5:16 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Fri 3/8/24 9:25 AM

Hello Tevis,

Unfortunately if a category exists in a particular area of the Service catalog or KB, it will *always* display above other Services/Articles that are placed in that same directory listing. There is no way to force SubCategories to be listed at the bottom of the page instead of the top.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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That is what I thought, but I just thought you might have some magic.

Thanks for the quick response.

- Tevis Boulware Fri 3/8/24 10:51 AM

David Tod Sun 3/10/24 10:13 AM

If you replace the default footer with a script tag referencing hosted javascript, all things are possible.

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Possibly, however we cannot officially sanction something that fundamentally changes the way the code of the page renders. - Mark Sayers Mon 3/11/24 9:37 AM