Report on tickets older than 5 days

I would like to create a report on all currently active tickets that are older than 5 days. What fields should I select and how can I schedule it to be a weekly report that is delivered to a group of individuals?

Asked by Josy Hess on Thu 3/7/24 10:55 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 3/7/24 11:58 AM

Hello Josy,

The columns you include are going to be a bit dependent on what data you need to see about these tickets, but filter-wise you can filter on the status(es) in your system that equate being "active" and not resolved or cancelled still. Also, filter on Age is greater than or equal to 5 days (if you want to also include things that are only 5 days old).

As for delivering it, you can edit the report and at the bottom of the edit page add in email delivery schedules and select the persons you desire for it to be delivered to and set a delivery schedule.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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This worked perfectly! Thank you so much! - Josy Hess Mon 3/11/24 12:28 PM