Auto Assigning an Asset to a ticket

I created a form that has the asset field embedded, so when someone adds that asset, is there a way to auto add to the assets/ci's tab?

Asked by James Richard on Thu 3/7/24 10:14 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 3/7/24 10:45 AM

Hello James,

If you are using a custom asset attribute field on your request form, that will *not* associate the chosen asset to the ticket's Assets/CIs tab. You'd have to use the standard Assets/CIs field to acheive this.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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i am using the standard asset's/ci's field - James Richard Thu 3/7/24 10:47 AM
If you go to that form's builder page in TDAdmin, and click the Edit button for this asset field, does it show the standard field name "Assets/CIs" at the top of that modal window that appears, or does it say something about "Open attribute"? - Mark Sayers Thu 3/7/24 10:52 AM
It says Assets/CI's - James Richard Thu 3/7/24 11:03 AM
That *should* associate the selected asset to the ticket on its Assets/CIs tab. I've not encountered a scenario where it doesn't before. Have you tested specifically? or just asking for informational purposes? - Mark Sayers Thu 3/7/24 12:01 PM