Can a workflow comment be sent to an outside email through a web method?


We have a workflow that is used by people outside our organization.

To keep them notified, we use web methods to send them statuses and other notification as the ticket moves through the workflow.  These are working very well.  We can easily pass most parameters of a ticket through to the outside user.

Where we're having trouble is we now want to send the comments that people put in for Choice and Approve/Deny workflow steps.  But we don't see an easy option to do that.

Is this possible?  We've tried the "Workflow" parameters in the "From Ticket" option but none of those parameters seem to do anything with comments..  And we see a "From Workflow" option, but aren't sure what value to use.

Any help would be appreciated.



Asked by James Moyle on Tue 3/5/24 12:36 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 3/5/24 1:57 PM

Hi James,

Currently those comments that someone enters when fulfilling an Approve/Choice type step are not accessible to the remainder of the workflow. The only way you could access them would be to GET the ticket's Feed, but then there would be no way to reliably know which feed post to try to pull from for a subsequent workflow step to use (without having iPaaS to do the parsing for you, which ACES does not have, I believe).

Probably the best bet for now is to have a Task step for someone to manually relay information to 3rd party recipients/contacts if they aren't on the ticket already and associated with the workflow in some way.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the quick reply as always. We've explored iPaaS, but your'e right. We don't have it.
We'll go with the option you proposed for now.
- James Moyle Tue 3/5/24 2:03 PM