Auto-Populate Form Field from Requestor or People Attribute

Hi, I want to have a form field that will automatically fill in a user's attribute (job title, unique identifier, etc) when they are selected from another Person Lookup field.  Is this possible in TeamDynamix or is this something an iPaaS flow can assist with?  The attribute(s) I am referring to are part of the user's profile in TDX, and I want some of that information to be automatically generated into other fields on the form when the requester submitting the ticket may not know this information.

Thank you!

Tags form user people attributes custom-field autopopulate
Asked by James Cherry on Tue 2/27/24 2:13 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 2/27/24 3:20 PM

Hello James,

An iPaaS flow would need to be used to achieve this in an automated way I believe. It isn't currently possible to populate a form field automatically as you're filling it out.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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