Unable to Access Sandbox?
I have a person who has an Enterprise License in production, with access to several applications, including TDNext, and the exact same configuration in the Sandbox (as far as I can tell). However, the person gets a permission denied error when trying to access any sandbox application. No one else has issues with accessing the sandbox.
What might cause this permission denied error? Any ideas?
Thanks, Tevis
Asked by Tevis Boulware
on Tue 2/20/24 12:29 PM
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Answer (1)
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Brittany Renn
Tue 2/20/24 12:52 PM
Hi Tevis,
Do you know exactly which application this user is trying to access in SB? I would also verify that the users username matches what is listed in Production.
Brittany Renn
TDX Support
1 of 1 users found this helpful.
I'm also experiencing this issue. I can login to prod admin console, but recieve "You do not have permission to access this application." when trying to access sandbox @ https://berkeleylaw.teamdynamix.com/sandbox/ - Tom Hilbert Wed 2/21/24 12:56 PM
I'm also experiencing this issue. I can login to prod admin console, but recieve "You do not have permission to access this application." when trying to access sandbox @ https://berkeleylaw.teamdynamix.com/sandbox/ - Tom Hilbert Wed 2/21/24 12:56 PM
Hi Tom,
You may need another Administrator to go into your organizations SBTDAdmin environment and add you to the Administrators tab there. Once they do that, you should be able to access the Admin environment for Sandbox. - Brittany Renn Wed 2/21/24 1:03 PM
You may need another Administrator to go into your organizations SBTDAdmin environment and add you to the Administrators tab there. Once they do that, you should be able to access the Admin environment for Sandbox. - Brittany Renn Wed 2/21/24 1:03 PM