File size restrictions with the Attachment form field for Ticket Requests


I've referenced regarding file size restrictions, but the info on Ticket Requests seems to only point to attachments after a ticket is created (drag and drop or +Add within the ticket).

What are the file size restrictions/max ##MB of content selected at once/etc. within a Ticket Request when a user is uploading files during ticket creation via the Attachment form field (Browse button) for Ticket Requests?

Would it be the same as the ' +Add > Attachment, 'from my computer'' component (50 MB at one time) when in a ticket after submission?



Asked by Tanner Grubbs on Tue 2/20/24 11:46 AM Last edited Tue 2/20/24 11:46 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 2/20/24 1:00 PM

Hello Tanner,

I believe it should be 20MB, but this is easily test-able as well. I believe the screen just goes to an error page when you try to upload a file that is larger than what the system allows for.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks, Mark. Just tested it and it seems the limit is 50MB for content selected at once. - Tanner Grubbs Tue 2/20/24 2:24 PM