Responsibility Assignment Behavior

Hi All,

A manager would like the desired functionality.

A ticket should have two responsible fields: one for the Responsible Group and another for the Responsible Person (from within the group).

The behavior is identical to Location/Location Room. It would be a Responsible Group/Group Member. 

Are there any hacks for achieving this behavior?

Thanks for your advice!

Tags responsible ticket-routing
Asked by Steve Cade on Fri 2/16/24 12:47 PM
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Brittany Renn Fri 2/16/24 1:14 PM

Hi Steve, 

If the group is assigned to the ticket first and the group member goes to Actions > Task Incident, then the Responsibility field will show as "Group Name / Person Name" but there's not currently anyway to list those fields as completely separate attributes. 

I would suggest submitting this as an Enhancement Request if you'd like for those fields to be handled as separate attributes:

Let me know if you have further questions. 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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