Dissatisfied Survey Response Triggers Ticket to Open

Is it possible to have a dissatisfied ticket response trigger the ticket to reopen?  This would allow us to address any concerns in a more timely manner.

Asked by Scott Cory on Fri 2/16/24 11:47 AM
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Mark Sayers Fri 2/16/24 1:17 PM

Hi Scott,

I don't know that a survey response counts as an "update" to the ticket such that it could trigger anything. I suppose maybe you could have an iPaaS flow looking at a survey response report to parse for dissatisfied responses and reopen those tickets if a dissatisfied response comes in though. You'd have to make some sort of flag for the report though to drop the ticket once it was reopened by iPaaS after the survey response was received.

Maybe also add a custom attribute to the ticket via the same PATCH call that you reopen it with to mark it excluded from the report or something.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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