iPaaS Execute Stored Procedure Timeout?


I have a stored proc which does a bunch of processing, table loading, etc... There isn't really a result set from the stored proc other then the info/messages for logging. However when calling this proc in iPaaS I get the following error.

Proxy Error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.::The wait operation timed out.

I've tried adding a simple select at the very end of the proc like "select count(*) from tableName" etc.... But it still gets about 30 seconds in and throws that error. I haven't had issues with other stored procs, and this one does run directly on SQL Server when executing. 

So I can't be sure what is happening in this instance.


Any advice helps,

Asked by Alex Haberer on Thu 2/15/24 3:28 PM
I've attempted adding a Connection Timeout to the connection string, as well, on our SQL Server this process runs without timing out sometimes up to 30min. - Alex Haberer Thu 2/15/24 4:24 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 2/16/24 11:10 AM

Hi Alex,

This sort of "ask" is actually already an existin enhancement under ticket ID 23752859 to ask for a better way to handle timeout periods for iPaaS flow runs/connectors. You can add a +1 enhancement for that idea by referencing it when you create your enhancement request.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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