Importing MSProject Plans into TDX - De-activated Tasks are copied in as reactivated

I went through the process of exporting and importing a MSProject waterfall plan into TDX.  I carry deactivated tasks on the MSPRoject plan for various reasons.  When the plan was imported into TDX,  the deactivated tasks were imported and listed as active.  I could not readily find a method to deactivate a waterfall task in TDX.

Anyone have insight into

1) How to import a MSPRoject plan with deactivated tasks and have them stay deactivated?

2) Is there a deactivated status available in TDX?

Asked by Steve Jackson on Wed 2/14/24 2:37 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 2/14/24 3:07 PM

Hello Steve,

TDX doesn't really have the concept of "deactivated" tasks in our waterfall or cardwall plans. They're either there or they are not, and if present, they have a certain status associated with their completion percentage (for waterfall plan tasks) or their cardwall lane for cards.

You might need to just list those tasks under a certain parent task that indicates by its name that they are not active/usable for this plan? Or else just delete them after the plan is imported.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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