Change to a location in Production
If I make a change to a location in Production how long until it's reflected in Sandbox?
Asked by Matthew Thompson
on Tue 2/13/24 1:14 PM
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Mark Sayers
Tue 2/13/24 3:25 PM
Hello Matthew,
I believe I addressed a ticket from you on this topic, but Sandbox is not auto-synced to Production nightly. Sandbox is cloned/updated from Production once per calendar quarter, on the first TeamDynamix business Monday of each quarter.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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Yes, but my Sandbox updates my users that are created are in sandbox overnight I was just curious if the locations and other elements get updates. They should I was under the impression that sandbox was reloaded every quarter but implements to sandbox were updated overnight. If not do, we have a way to adjust this or send the data over besides creating it on the other side.
- Matthew Thompson
Tue 2/13/24 3:52 PM
Ah people imports happen because you're sending user import files to the Sandbox API import endpoint at the same time (I'm guessing?) as to the Production import endpoint. They aren't being synced to Sandbox from Production directly.
There is no Prod-to-Sandbox sync process currently other than the quarterly refreshes. Anything else would have to be managed/maintained with your own scripting using the API endpoints or else be done manually as you see the need. - Mark Sayers Tue 2/13/24 4:35 PM
There is no Prod-to-Sandbox sync process currently other than the quarterly refreshes. Anything else would have to be managed/maintained with your own scripting using the API endpoints or else be done manually as you see the need. - Mark Sayers Tue 2/13/24 4:35 PM