iPaas Email Send Notification Attachments

Has anyone had success using the attachments section of the iPaaS Send Notification connector? I am using it and while it is sending an email, I cannot manage to get an attachment to come through. Is there documentation for this connector type? 

Asked by Loren Leonard on Tue 2/13/24 11:12 AM Last edited Tue 2/13/24 11:12 AM
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Michael Ligouri Wed 2/14/24 10:04 AM

Hi Loren, can you let me know what flow you are doing this in so that I can take a look?



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Ok, to send you details to your email address? - Loren Leonard Wed 2/14/24 10:55 AM
Can you actually submit a ticket to TDX support with the flow you are using the notification step in? If this turns out to be a bug, I'll need a ticket to escalate that.

- Mike
- Michael Ligouri Wed 2/14/24 11:41 AM