Report on access to iPaaS
One of our admins inadvertently checked the box next to iPaaS on the list of apps on the user profile, while these profiles were being updated although these users were not supposed to be given access to iPaaS. This happened over a period of few months to the unknown number of profiles. Is there a way to see which users have this box checked on their profile? What is our security exposure because of this?
Asked by Bodek Frak
on Fri 2/9/24 4:30 PM
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Answer (1)
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Mark Sayers
Fri 2/9/24 4:33 PM
Hi Bodek,
You should be able to report on that in the TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users page's filter. Using the Has Application filter, you can see all users that were granted access to that application.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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